Lusuganda Development Initiative (LUSUDI) is an Indigenous National Registered Non Governmental Organisation that has been in operation since the 26th-August-2009. LUSUDI has been actively involved in implementing integrated community development interventions in Kigezi Sub-Region.

LUSUDI has over the year’s generated outstanding positive impact in the lives of many vulnerable communities people. From originally implementing small single isolated projects benefiting a few communities, LUSUDI’s programmes have evolved into multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral programmes and projects transforming the lives of a wide range of communities. LUSUDI’s work is mainly focused at Environment and Natural Resources Management, Good Governance and Social Accountability, Community Health and Livelihood. The Integrated approach which is the main vehicle by which LUSUDI services the communities it works with is built on the tenets of participatory development. The adoption of the integrated community development approach by LUSUDI was informed by field experience of best practice over the years. Gladly all the major partners of LUSUDI embraced this approach and offered invaluable support which has culminated into high impact interventions for the rural vulnerable communities.